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5 posts tagged with "research"

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The question you need to answer before you start writing

· 2 min read
Taylor Krohn

Better writing

Many of us struggle at the beginning stages of an article.

How should it be structured? What information belongs in this article? And how do I sort out all the information floating around in my head?

We can make this struggle easier by defining our take-home message early, preferably before we start writing.

What's a take-home message?

Get the most out of ReallyWrite

· 4 min read
Taylor Krohn

Better writing

We created ReallyWrite to empower you to write clearly. We want to help you learn to make your own decisions about your writing.

Notice your blind spots

The ReallyWrite Editor can help you see your blind spots at the sentence level and push you to more clarity and accessibility.

You may have noticed that the line-by-line feedback you receive in the ReallyWrite Editor is coupled to a learn page. The learn page explains why that issue matters and how you can go about fixing it.

ReallyWrite does not fix your text for you. Instead, it acts like a fresh, critical reader and helps you identify issues that are hard to see when you have been working on a text for a long time. It cannot tell you what to write, but it can automatically recognize the potential issues and show you how to fix them. Think of it as a teacher looking over your shoulder.

Read the learn pages

Notice the potential issues in your text in the ReallyWrite Editor, then read about how you can fix them in the learn pages.

You won't fix ALL the issues that ReallyWrite points out. They are potential issues, so you need to think critically about each issue and decide whether it makes sense to rewrite your sentence to remove that issue.

thoughtful Photo by Brooke Cagle

We need more explicit writing instruction

· 5 min read
Taylor Krohn

Better writing

TL,DR: Asking non-native speakers to learn to write in the same way as native speakers (implicitly) does not take into account their different language experience. Non-native speakers benefit from learning to write more explicitly.

Writing is hard for everyone, that’s a given.

But writing can be hard in a different way for native speakers and non-native speakers of English.

How teachers can improve student writing with ReallyWrite

· 3 min read
Taylor Krohn

Better writing

Most teachers don't have time to explicitly teach writing as well as their content matter, but they still want students to write decently.

Because of course, who will be reading those papers?

If this sounds familiar to you, then why not use ReallyWrite in your classes? It's minimal effort, zero risk, and high reward.

To get you started:

5 ways you can use ReallyWrite to make your teaching life easier

A bit of rhetoric can boost the impact of your research

· 3 min read
Taylor Krohn

Better writing

Those articles haven't always been so heavy

Do you ever put down an article and wonder if it really had to be so hard to read? If it couldn't have been easier, lighter, more interesting? If it couldn´t have been written in a way that made it a pleasure, not a burden, to read?

Research articles don't have to be so heavy. They haven't always been this way.